Use this page to learn about the results men are getting -- and to decide if you believe you're a good potential fit to be NEXT and get those same results for yourself inside of Bob's program.
Learn how Nick won Kelly's heart and head back to the marriage, even after YEARS of Kelly's unhappiness and demands for a divorce -- and see how in eight short weeks how he was able to win her back and become the couple who fell in love 28 years ago all over again.
Learn how Dave won Tracy's heart and head back to the marriage, even after she had already moved out -- and see how that changed his life, her life, and the life of his children forever!
Learn how John overcame Janie only feeling safe when he was literally 1,000 miles away, and won her back happier than ever.
"I love you, but I'm not IN Love with you," and how he turned the corner at 3 weeks, and had his marriage in a great place and moving forward within 8 weeks.
"I'm in love with another man, no longer in love with you, and I want a divorce," and by "doing the effing WORK" IN JUST SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS he stepped up, became the hero his family needs, and now spends his free time loving on his kids and grandkids with the love of his life for 33+ years!"
Finding out his wife was actively planning divorce and how to leave him, to daily bliss and her thanking him for being the man she needed for him to become to save their marriage. Mike stopped the leaving/divorce track within ONE WEEK of being in my program and and every day has gotten better and stronger since then.
Knowing his marriage was in trouble, but not knowing she was on the brink of divorce. She was days away from blowing it all up. God's timing was perfect! He found my program in the nick of time and turned it around in EIGHT WEEKS.
The stories on this page are but a small number of the thousands of marriages saved -- broken and blended families averted, and financial wellbeing preserved, with love, respect, dignity, forgiveness, and compassion under each man's roof now the daily experience for so many men, their wife, and their children.
Note: the photos below were changed at the request of the men telling the story to protect their privacy.
"I knew my marriage was in trouble, and I knew it was getting worse. And the sad thing is, every time I tried to make it better... i just ended up making it worse. And that's why I decided to reach out for professional help.
Something about Bob's training spoke to me. I knew I was unhappy; and I knew that was causing my wife to feel unhappy. And as hard as it was to admit it, I knew I had not been stepping up as the man in my marriage. And that whole thing Bob said about Releasing Her Rage -- if I could do that, it would be a game changer!
We got on the phone, and Bob talked to me like a loving father figure. I mean... he cared. And I was certain of that. He helped me to understand exactly what was happening in my marriage, and helped me chart what he called a path out of my pit and into paradise.
I think what convinced me to work with Bob was that from the beginning, Bob was most concerned with whether I was a fit for his program, and there wasn't any pressure to do anything. I was on the call to learn a strategy, and if that strategy was to work with somebody else, Bob promised to refer me. Wow!. I hoped I was a fit, because from the training it sounded exactly like what I needed.. Well, by the end of the call we were both convinced I was a perfect fit, so I signed up and started doing the work. so For the first couple of days I was worried that it wouldn't work... but by day 3 I saw definite changes, in me, my wife, and my marriage. And yes, we had some setbacks, but overall, each day started getting better. By six weeks in, we were lovers again, and 3 months after I started the program we renewed our wedding vows!
"No matter what I tried, she just stayed locked up in her bedroom, crying, and texting her emotional boyfriend. And I tried it all. Yelling. Crying. Begging. Negotiating. Threatening. Nothing worked. Thanks when I clicked on Bob's ad.
Doing all that stuff and not getting any result ended up making me really angry. And that's when she told me, "I just can't live with such an angry man. And the sad thing is, I wasn't an angry man when we got married -- she MADE me the angry man I was... or so I thought when I jumped on my call with Bob."
Inside 5 minutes of being on the phone with Bob, I knew he was for real. The questions he asked spoke right to the heart of the issues.
Bottom line: I was getting in my own way. I needed to figure myself out, and become the best version of ME possible. Then I could be stronger for HER.
When I got in Bob's program, I took to the training like a fish to water, and within a week everything had changed.
And it gets better every day.
What I'm most grateful for is my two boys. I wanted them to see a great role model for how a man treats his wife, and to grow up to become strong, God loving men. Now, thanks to Bob's program, I get to make sure both of those things happen.
Bob, I can't thank you enough! You changed my life!
"From the outside looking in, I had the perfect life. A beautiful wife, a luxury, estate home. Well adjusted, and happy children; with all the trappings of success. But I was secretly dying inside. My marriage was miserable, and my wife was going to take a week's vacation (away from me -- to get space) on the day of my first call with Bob."
I got more insight in that first 90 minutes than I'd been able to figure out in the entire history of our 13 year marriage. I joined Bob's program on that call, and while still on the phone Bob coached through the current situation of my wife's ominously impending 'vacation.' The result of that one coaching call? I hung up the phone and called my wife -- followed Bob's advice to the letter... and my wife changed her mind and called off her vacation.
It was all up hill from there. Bob spoke to me in language that resonated. He partnered with me in such as way that he and I became a cohesive team, grounded in extreme clarity, with core values of alpha-male extreme-ownership and accountability.
Eight weeks later, my marriage and my life had completely turned around. I got the sweetest text from the love of my life, thanking me for 'being the man' and leading our marriage back to intimacy.
I'd carefully checked out other coaches and just didn't get the same level of caring and the ability to trust that I got with Bob.
I'm so happy that God led me to Bob. Did I have a few screw-ups along the way? Of course, but now I've learned how when those rare occasions happen... how to leverage them so they actually make us stronger in our marriage. THANK YOU BOB FOR MY NEW LIFE!!!"
"When Bob came into my life I was miserable. My wife wasn't speaking to me -- hadn't said more than one word answers and grunts for months. I felt completely powerless to make any positive change. I knew that a hugely costly divorce (in terms of destruction of wealth through a nasty divorce, as well as broken hearts for me, my wife, and my three little girls) was imminent.)
But Bob gave me a massive dose of Clarity, Caring, Concern, and Certainty. Despite what felt like overwhelming odds, there were two things I knew for sure:
My journey was no walk in the park. She was so angry... so shut down... and had such an agenda to split/separate/divorce. It was the epic struggle in my life. IT TOOK A MONTH just to get her to respond to texts, or even look up as we passed in the kitchen. But after that, things improved quickly, and within 8-12 weeks all talk of separation had evaporated and talk of 'finding a path forward together' suddenly appeared.
But looking back even in that first difficult month, I noticed a shift soon after working with Bob. Slow and steady progress of ice melting.
How did that happen? Bob gave me two road-maps: one for HOW TO BE AN ELITE HUSBAND, and the other for HOW TO BECOME THE MAN WHO IS CAPABLE OF BECOMING AN ELITE HUSBAND.
I'd say the most valuable thing Bob gave me was the ability to see past my blindspots. I thought I WAS being the man. And I had no idea how I was actually showing up for my wife -- from her perspective.
WOW! You want talk about finding the motivation for change? When you see yourself clearly THROUGH YOUR WIFE'S EYES... well, let's just say that business success is not a get-out-of-FULLY-being-a-husband FREE card.
Thank you, Bob, for clarity on what the REAL issues were, clarity on what WAS POSSIBLE (that I have now both ACHIEVED and EXCEEDED), and clarity on the step-by-step process that led me there.
P.S. I'm a better business partner as well. I've just recommended the other two partners join your program and offered to pay for it myself."
"I know exactly where it all went wrong. My wife hated my business, and wanted me to sell it. I responded by choosing my business over my wife. I'm not proud of it, but I own that.
She had moved into the guest bedroom and pretty much locked herself in 24x7. I was about as unhappy as I'd ever been.
Bob, being an owner of several businesses KNOWS WHAT IT TAKES to build and maintain a company. AND BOB UNDERSTANDS THE TOLL THAT CAN TAKE ON A MARRIAGE, KIDS, AND A FAMILY.
Here's why I chose to invest in Bob's coaching:
I was in! And in just six short weeks, I heard the words I'd waited 25 years to hear from my wife, "Thank you for being such an AMAZING husband. I'm so very happy."
And while I'm thrilled that things are better, I'm so happy for my wife. To see her come out from the shell she built to protect herself from me, and open back up into the warm, kind, loving woman I married all those years ago -- well let's just say it motivates me to continue the journey... to keep doing the work...and to never let things backslide.
My biggest takeaway... It's like Bob says... "It's not information... it's transformation. You've actually got to become the man capable of delivering TRUE LOVE to your wife. That can't be faked, and there's no shortcut. It's hard work, and the work never ends. But one day, you wake up and she's happy."
What I didn't know was that building and maintaining a successful business gave me a HUGE head start. All I needed was, like Bob says, "the right map, and the knowledge of how to use it."
Thank you, Bob. Best money I ever spent!"
"I knew I was in trouble when the slightest disagreement turned into a contest of wills -- and became a rip-roaring fight." That look on her face... like she hated me... and was going to leave me the first chance she got.
I've been in construction my whole life, and I've been in some scrapes with some big dudes... but those were nothing like the fight-of-flight feelings those fights with my wife -- those burned in my heart and my stomach. I had to make it stop.
If I'm being truthful, I was looking for an excuse to throw in the towel and end my marriage. I still very much loved my wife, but I couldn't take the constant fighting -- and it was starting to exact a heavy price on my successful company.
Perhaps God was speaking to me... causing me to begin the process of ENDING my marriage by talking to a well-known marriage fixer for successful, professional men.
From the moment we got on the phone, Bob let me know he was there as my advocate. He said let's take a walk into the future with it's only three possible outcomes...
Was it easy? No. Did she stop blasting me over the smallest thing immediately? No.
Was she worth the wait? YES!
I plugged in and started doing the work. I had some huge concerns about how I would find time to run my company, be a husband and a father, do the work, and have any time left for sleep.
But Bob has made a career out of working with men like me. His time management tools, his ability to help me focus... get clear on 'first things first and second things never' ensured I got everything done that needed to be done, and I was able to put away all of the non-urgent, non-important BS.
My biggest surprise about my coaching experience? Turns out Bob is a good a business coach as he is a marriage coach. What I learned from bob TRIPLED the size of my business, got my business culture under control, and now I spend my time playing with, laughing, and loving my wife and kids -- while my leadership team keeps my business healthy and growing!"
"Despite my seniority, I was still away from home some nights. I was pretty sure she was engaged in an emotional affair, and worried sick it was going to escalate. I'm not proud to admit that my reaction was needy, and unattractive -- and even I knew it at the time. It's just that we had built a great life, and I was terrified our life together was about 'auger in and leave a smoking hole' - to borrow some pilot slang.
Bob, has a way of meeting men WHERE WE LIVE. It's uncanny actually -- I've become good friends with some of Bob's graduates... business owners, doctors, fortune-100 execs... and we all agree: Bob speaks our language.
THE RESULT? Within 2 weeks, the emotional affair was admitted to, ended, all contact with that guy was severed, and I had complete transparency into all of her electronic devices...but that's not the MOST AMAZING PART OF THIS STORY. The most amazing part of the story is that she was happy to do all of that.
Turns out she really didn't want to be unfaithful. She really did love me... she was just starved for something I had no idea how to give her (and which I had no idea she needed) until Bob took me through how to do it step-by-step.
I fully and whole-heartedly recommend the program for any man who wants to 'straighten up and fly right' in his marriage!
"I'm in a very lucrative business, but only if I manage to zero tolerance for failure. And between broken-down trucks and excuse ready drivers... that was taking all of my attention.
My wife got lost in the the middle of all that, and fell out of love with me. Or, at least, that was the story I was telling myself.
Turns out there was a lot more to the story, and the fact is...I didn't have a clue.
Bob opened my eyes to what life felt like for my wife. But that's what Bob does. He drives towards clarity and doesn't stop until you arrive there.
I got clarity about what the REAL problems were.
I got clarity around a step-by-step solution...something I could implement and work on every. single. day.
And I got clarity around what I wanted. And that gave me hope. And the strength and resolve to fix it.
Bob's combination of techniques results in a way of helping you to hack your brain like no other. And that's why I found the clarity so appealing.
Bob gave me that, and he'll give it to you, too.
"Excited to plan my retirement (and because I knew things were not great between us) I sat my wife down and told her that we can soon travel the world and asked her where she wanted to go first.
Here answer was a slap in the face: She said the only place I want to go with you is to divorce court.
I barely even get on FB. I use it to see the seemingly daily flow of grandchildren pictures.
Anyway, the ad hit on the same day that my wife told me she wanted a divorce.
I thought, what can it hurt to read it?
There I was, feeling sorry for myself that I'd worked my entire life so that I could finally relax and enjoy what time I have left... traveling with my wife... making up for lost time with kids and grandkids. And now that was all going to come crashing down.
I didn't care about the money. Even split down the middle, neither of us would ever worry about money.
What I cared about was the fact that I'd put my love-life (my marriage... my wife) on hold for most of our marriage, believing that a day would come where it would be time to stop chasing dollars and start chasing her around the bed again.
And just as I'd accomplished everything I'd ever set out to in my career, I found out that I'd completely failed as a husband.
In that moment I would have traded every dime for a hug, a kiss, and the feeling of attachment we had when we were young.
Enter Bob Gerace: As much as I never saw myself as somebody who would find a marriage coach on the Internet, Bob's free training resonated. It hit home. It was undeniable that MY marriage was SUFFERING exactly the way that Bob's training explained.
Against the cynical and skeptical thoughts in my head, I booked and had a call with Bob, and from the beginning I knew he was the real deal.
If Bob had not done such a great job laying out the exact problem, and the exact solution, there's no way I would have made the investment. At the end of the call, my doubt was removed and I pulled out my credit card. Best decision and best investment I've ever made regarding working on myself... and I've made plenty.
My advice is just do it. Pay the fee. Do the work. She's waiting for you.
As for me, I'm about to retire and take my wife of 40 years on a trip around the world!"
"This wasn't supposed to happen to me. I literally spend all day every day with one of the most influential and motivational men on the planet.
And yes, my job requires extensive travel. And although I knew my wife would never leave me, I also knew one thing for certain: I'd lost her heart.
I told Bob for several reasons: my client didn't need to know I was having these issues and lose confidence that I was on my game 24x7x365. Also that I don't mix my business and personal life for many reasons.
Then Bob asks, "Why me?"
That was easy, because I only hire the best.
I think Bob was a little shocked. Bob was shocked that I'd heard of him -- and that my client knew of him too. And that he had a reputation for being discreet, and for getting results -- in the minimum amount of time.
I told Bob I knew he had a program tailored for busy, successful, professional men who are used to extreme results, no excuses, and executive summaries.
Bob did not disappoint. In fact, I didn't even finish Bob's program -- because I didn't need to.
At first, my schedule was making it hard to stay on the program, and when Bob learned of that, he cleared a day and we had an 8 hour long coaching call.
What I got in those 8 hours was worth 8,000 times what I paid for the program.
At the end of that call I knew the difference in an Elite level husband, and anything less -- and I knew what I had to do to become more Elite as a husband every day.
That all was 5 years ago, and today as I write this my wife continues to trust me with her heart every day -- even though my job takes me all over the planet.
Being in the business I've learned to tell the difference in posers and true builders of men.
Bob is 100% a true builder of men. Just being on the phone with him you begin to see new possibilities for your life and immediately start believing they could come true for you -- if you're only willing to do the work.
And then Bob lays out the work for you in a path that (despite being hard, because nothing worthwhile comes easy)... is stone, cold, simple to follow."
"I didn't think it was possible, but Bob gave me the tools and information that enabled me to finally hear my wife. Within 3 weeks, I was able to get her to start talking to me again, and a few weeks later we were back on track! I'd highly recommend Bob to coach your marriage, and to bring it back from the brink of disaster. Bob, I can't thank you enough!""
"I'd never let my wife talk to me the way Bob talks to me. But Bob's no bullshit, man-to-man talk is exactly what I needed to hear. And it worked! Even though my wife had told me many times that she was 'done' and there was no chance for us, she could not be happier today. Bob's program works. Plain and simple."
"My wife had moved out of the bedroom, and had not spoken to me for months, other than to transact the business of living in our home. She had shut down completely to any kind of talk about our marriage. 5 days after signing up for Bob's program she was talking about the marriage! Bob knows how to get your wife back to the table, and will help you win her back! Look -- you can't be broke, and you have to do the work. But if you follow his program, you're going to win her back... and if you're like'll get her back in as little as 5 days!"
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